Why is it that the only time I ever "find" to update the blog (well actually it's time I "make") is while I am at work and therefore my posts are short. You all deserve more...that is the 3 of you who actually read this. Now I say all that only for this to be another short blog.
Braxton is doing great! He officially started sleeping through the night at 11 weeks! My tired body thanks him! There have been a few random nights when he doesn't make it the whole night (like when i screw with his schedule like i did over the weekend), but when he does wake, he doesn't need to be fed anymore which is great! We are now coming up on 14 weeks and he gets more and more fun every day. He smiles constantly and now when we play games with him, he full on giggles. It is so cute and sweet to hear a baby laugh. He always had little laughs he kinda did, but these are real "belly laughs". I love it!
Anyways, here is his 3 month pic...

3 months old and 15 pounds! (approx. 25 inches long by my home tape measurer so who knows how accurate my measurement really was).