Braxton Charles Shoults was born September 3, 2008 at 1:00pm via C-section. He was 20 inches long and weighed a whopping 9 pounds 3 ounces. He is a beautiful baby boy. Here is his first picture the moment after he was born.

Alot has happened in between his birth and now. I am back to work and he is now 11 weeks old. There are tons of pictures I could share, but they would be never ending on this blog. Instead, you can see a bunch on my or Chadwick's facebook page. And you can also see some at www.fuzzyshot.com/CUBuffskier (we update this one with new pics quite frequently).
We are plannin to take a picture of Braxton each month on his birthday of him sitting in the Luv Sac (bean bag chair) to show how much he is growing. Below are the ones from his first 2 months.

OK. That's all you get for now. I will try to be better about posting now that ife is settling down and we are getting used to having a baby. We love him so much and he is a ton of fun. Look for more pictures and info to come.
I love your re-cap of the past 3 months! Ha!
Yay for blogs. I'm glad we got to see the little guy somewhere in that 3 month gap. :)
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