August 28, 2008

More Pictures

We got more of our bedding pieces!! So we now have everything we NEED for our abby boy to come home. This week we got the curtains and the crib bumper. I haven't hung the curtains yet cuz I still need to get a rod, but the bumper is in place! See pictures below!

The inside of the crib with super soft fleecy fabric! I wish my bed looked that soft!

The finished product! I love having all the additional color in the room!

Another view of the crib! Can you find the hidden feline?

We also have another ultrasound tomrorow mornign at 8:30 to check the size of the baby one more time before he is due. Based on what this ultrasound shows, will effect the decisions we make as to what our "next steps" are. So hopefully we will have a "plan" in place early next week at my Doc appointment come Tuesday! Or perhaps, the holiday coming up will live up to it's name...."Labor Day". Who knows! But I am definitely ready to be done and to finally meet our new little man!

August 22, 2008

The Latest News

So, what's new?!?! Well, I'll start with the fact that we had an ultrasound done about 2 weeks ago and it confirmed that our baby boy is big! While the ultrasound is not always completely accurate, it still gives a good idea of what we can expect. It estimated our little boy to weigh about 8 pounds at 35 weeks! With the 90th percentile! Give or take a pound and we are almost certain that he is in the 7-9 pound range at that point. SO my doctor and I ahve been having discussions about what this will mean for me and my labor. We have run several extra tests, like the glucose screening, jsut to double check, and everything is checking out fine. It jsut looks liek Chadwick and are good at producing future College Linebackers! Now the debate will be CU or Michigan!
So right now we are playing it by ear each day as to what the next steps are. My doc won't do anything like induce until at least 39 weeks and even then there are other issues to consider. So we are having anohte ultrasound on Aug. 29th to check his size one more time and then we will make a decision from there. I'll try to keep everyone posted.
In the meantime, Chadwick keeps trying different methods of his own to induce labor. Some will go unmentioned, but he tries to convince me every day to drink castor oil or eat spicy food. Other days he tries to get me to go for 2 mile long walks where i waddle around the lake by our house. And he has now discovered the pressure point in my ankles that supposedly can induce labor....but hey, I get a foot rub out of it right?!?!
So for now, jsut one day at a time. I do have a few contractions here and there, but nothing consistent. And i definitely don't sleep well anymore. But I guess it's all jsut preparation for when our big "little" guy gets here. Ok, that's it for now. Enjoy a couple of pics below.
The bed skirt Grandma Kathie made. Pic doesn't do it jsutice, but it's super cute!

My use of existing wall some sports memorabilia!

August 13, 2008

Pictures (in chronological order)

No time for captions....just enjoy!

August 4, 2008

It's been WAY TOO LONG!!!!

So I have been slacking on my blogging. I apologize. But I do have an excuse....I've had other things on my mind as you can imagine. Like the fact we're about to have a baby!!

So what has happened since my last post?? A lot! I don't want to drag on too long, but I'll fill you in on a few of the top things.

1. We got air conditioning installed in our house finally! And we are thankful we did seeing as Colorado just broke a record with 24 consecutive days above 90 degrees.
2. We took our birthing class at the hospital and both learned a ton. Chadwick especially was very interested in learning what this whole birth process is all about. He is gonna be a great dad!
3. We had 2 more baby showers. One was thrown by my co-workers and one by my sister. Everyone so was generous and we really enjoyed celebrating with friends and family. We truly are blessed.
4. This one just happened today...apparently our baby could be here any day! I have been measuring "big" at my last few doctor's appointments and was supposed to have an ultrasound next week on August 12th to check the size of the baby and what not. Well today at my 35 week appt., I measured at 39 weeks pregnant! Babies are born/full-term at 40 weeks! If these measurements are true, I only have 1 week left! Now it is not likely I will have the baby next week, but you just never know. It could be that our boy is just big. It could just be the way he is positioned. Or it could just be the way my body is built. Needless to say, the doctor's bumped my ultrasound up to this week, so we will be having one on Wednesday morning. So we should know on Wednesday what is really going on and what steps we need to take next. As you can imagine, I am SUPER anxious to find out what the deal is. Prayers are greatly appreciated! More to come on this once we know.

Lastly, I always get more and more questions to see the baby bump. Despite my story above about measuring big, I don't feel like I "look" huge. However, i do "feel" huge. I definitely have a pregnant waddle going on these days and my back and hips are hating me right now. Anyways, here's a few pics.

**I'm having issues getting my pictures to load. I'll try again later. Check back soon.**