August 28, 2008

More Pictures

We got more of our bedding pieces!! So we now have everything we NEED for our abby boy to come home. This week we got the curtains and the crib bumper. I haven't hung the curtains yet cuz I still need to get a rod, but the bumper is in place! See pictures below!

The inside of the crib with super soft fleecy fabric! I wish my bed looked that soft!

The finished product! I love having all the additional color in the room!

Another view of the crib! Can you find the hidden feline?

We also have another ultrasound tomrorow mornign at 8:30 to check the size of the baby one more time before he is due. Based on what this ultrasound shows, will effect the decisions we make as to what our "next steps" are. So hopefully we will have a "plan" in place early next week at my Doc appointment come Tuesday! Or perhaps, the holiday coming up will live up to it's name...."Labor Day". Who knows! But I am definitely ready to be done and to finally meet our new little man!

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